Company Network Infrastructure
Objective 1
This project is a real-world example of the network infrastructure and security policies of a company with two offices located in San Diego and Phoenix. The instruction of this project was to showcase our ability to create a network that included servers, VLAN segregation for added security, and VPN for secure communication and collaboration between branches. Also included was the Active Directory which is used for centralized management of user accounts, workstations, servers, printers, and network shares. The on-site IT department in Phoenix has privileges to modify organizational units, workstations, users, and services. Overall, the project aims to ensure network security and ease of management. The company has different policies for each department, such as password requirements, workstation controls, printer defaults, and network share access. Presented is what a network security manager would showcase in a PowerPoint highlighting the key aspects of this project.

Objective 1
The flow chart describes the communication between a user computer/PC running a search engine of my choosing and the web server known as This project helps illustrate the various layers of the OSI model, protocols, and technologies used at each layer. The chart also includes a frame header, IP header, and TCP header to illustrate the format of the data at each layer.

Objective 1
Preparing for Investigations
This assignment is our assessment of the Tor browser and how criminals could exploit this browser or tool.
Investigation Techniques Final
This assignment is a step toward an investigation. I Identify all pieces of potential evidence.
Document each piece of evidence thoroughly.
Start a chain of custody log sheet.
Describe how each piece of evidence will be collected and preserved.
Write a search warrant for any evidence digital evidence related to the crime scene but not available at the crime scene.
BCDR and Incident Response Computer Forensics and Crisis Management
Exploit Research
Project Able Image
Web Attack
Current Technology Forensics Case
Incident Response Team Hardware/Software
Building a Functional Bussiness Network
System Hardening
Hasing Lab
Project Malware
Encoding with NTFS
Community Statement
The overview of this assignment is to define the examples for each of the following: Concepts of Incident Response, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Computer Forensics, and Crisis Management, and then attempt to pictorially diagram how these concepts interrelate with each other.
This project is to show our understanding of real-world and current events we can expect as network security majors. We are to showcase an attack from an event and how the problem was solved. Here is my presentation.
FTK® Imager is a data preview and imaging tool that lets you quickly assess electronic evidence to determine if further analysis with a forensic tool such as Forensic Toolkit (FTK®) is warranted. Create forensic images of local hard drives, CDs and DVDs, thumb drives or other USB devices, entire folders, or individual files from various places within the media.
Using FTK Imager and the electronic evidence a GX-type file labeled as “able2.tar.gz”, quickly assesses the electronic evidence to determine if further analysis with a forensic tool is needed.
This project has a scenario created that was about being a pen tester and using tools in order to find a flaw within a local company. This project showed cased our knowledge of using Kali Linux to pen test our way through the local companies' log-in.
Based on our own research choose a current event and explain how current technology forensic could be used to help further the investigation.
The importance of an incident response team is to help mitigate security threats to your company or organization. Having a team that is dedicated to the purpose of incident response is now a necessity. This is how an IT security team or an incident response team analyzes and preserves incident data, discusses observations, and shares information across the organization.
Using Cisco Packet Tracer, create a subnet/router-segmented business environment that uses DNS, DHCP, and a web server.
To create this subnet/router segmented business, what is needed is:
(3) 2960-Switches
(2) PC-PT Computers
(1) Router-PT-Empty (3) 1CGE Router Cards
(1) Server-PT-DHCP, DNS, and HTML Server
Connected with Copper Straight-Though Cables
System hardening is about methods to better protect yourself from online exploits.
With these methods, we will remove any unnecessary accounts and applications, disable unnecessary services, enable a firewall, and enable encryption.
The purpose of this lab is to have us familiarized with the importance of hashing.
Hashing is a method that forensic investigators use in order to provide assurance that the data
copied from one location to another was not changed in any way. This is to show proof that the
data was preserved, processed, and has integrity in order to present this data to the courts.
Joe's Sandbox is used to detect and analyzes potential malicious files and URLs on Windows, Android, Mac OS, Linux, and iOS for suspicious activities. This project is to show our ability to use Joe's Sandbox by downloading from a random file given to us. I used a random file named “AndroRat_6Dec2013.md5”
Encoding is a way to convert a sequence of code points to small data as bytes. This usually happens when writing a text to a file. The four common types of encoding are URL encoding, Base64, Uuencoding, and BASE16. Presented is a Word doc showing my demonstration of Base16 and NTFS.
Community awareness means being aware of issues in the community and how to give back by trying to help resolve or lessen the severity of those issues. This is endemic or prevalent within the community of current-day entrepreneurs and innovators. It is also prevalent in people who want to see and make their communities better—more hospitable, functional, friendly, respectful, diverse, and tolerant of others.